What do the paddlers want? Have we got it? It goes without saying that whatever we have brought to the portage is not it. - They want different food, more drink, other equipment, medication from the other support car, information that needs working out.
Information we need to read in the dark, or on the move, or without glasses.
Whatever they wanted last time they don't want now. The kit they wanted adding an hour ago is too hot, too thin, too big, or too small. But don't tell them and we will keep trying to get it right.
In the dark we repair, feed and provide for their needs by touch. We try not to shine lights at them, yet provide illumination so they can see the path, the water, the boat, the bank.
When they're cold, we're hot from running in heavy clothes, dripping sweat then getting clammy and chilled - but don't tell them, because we have a warm car.
We'll do it whatever the weather, how ever muddy the ground we have to lie on. However smelly, or dirty, or prickly, or wet, or awkward or painful. We'll do it with a smile because their pain is greater than ours.
By country lanes, motorways, cart tracks, footpaths and city streets we'll find the portages and bridges. Whatever the speed limits, detours, or parking restrictions. The getting lost, the pressure of time, the need to meet them. But don't tell them, they have other things to worry about
There was a traffic jam, parade, herd of cows, closed level crossing and diversion getting to the portage. The SatNav directed us in circles, the map is out of date, the new housing estate blocks the way to the lock.
But don't tell them, because they need to focus on keeping going, remembering the bridges, the portages, the weirs, the strong currents
We'll eat and drink on the move as they do, and sometimes get to rest, but they come first. They need to keep going.
Don't tell them you're sleepy and tired, or your legs ache from the uphill run, or your chest hurts from the cold night air, because their discomfort is worse than yours.
We'll comfort and reassure, congratulate and cheer.
We'll worry and hope ...
... and fear, and imagine ....
... but don't tell them ....
....because they are out there and are facing it ...
and are strong, so you must be too.
We'll fetch and carry and load and pack,
And we'll do it all for them because we want to, because they deserve it and we want them to succeed.
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