Friday, July 25, 2008

July K4 10km

It was a mostly calm, warm and sunny evening for the July K4 10km. There were 7 crews with paddlers from Nottingham, Lincoln, Chelmsford, Leicester & Chester paddling. There were varying standards of steering the turns, wash hanging and timing in the entirely mixed crews. Only one boat had a time handicap, with a crew ranking total of 18 (I think) against crew rankings totalling 22, 23 & 24. In theory, they should have caught the "pack" and very nearly did catch the 6th placed crew, however their turns probably added about 200 metres to their course each time and with 7 turns during the 4 laps, obviously paddled about 1500 metres more than the rest.

The two leading crews reaching the finish line.

The evening was also an opportunity for the under 12s (some under 6!) to develop their skills in the Rocket mini K4s further down the course.

Go to the Gallery for more photos
Results here when available
Photos - Mick

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