Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Sunday Lunch

After the 5th Winter Race, about 30 members and families ate Sunday Lunch at The Larwood & Voce near Trent Bridge. Most were accomodated at the long table, but "the outpost" was not far away and far from lonely. (You can just see Nigel.) The food was good and the portions excellent, with rapid service once they started. Many thanks to Harriett who got this started and did the leg work.
This is a pleasant venue for such events and very close to the club, so I look forward to the next one after the final Winter Race of the series on March 9th. Remember to book! It's hoped that more of the junior members can be present at this event, with a dozen now attending the gym sessons and about the same doing the Winter Races.

Thanks Julie for bringing the camera and Hayleigh for the photo.

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