Norman and Jane
Andrew and Colin
(Thanks to Kath for the pictures.)In Kasia's case it was her first and well deserved win in Div 9. NKC members managed to collect quite a few of the coveted Ironbridge Tankards, with another win going to Dave & Caroline in Div 5_5 K2. For all NKC successes, the official results will be available soon on the Marathon Website.
More super pictures from Grace on the Burton Racing Photography group on Facebook and Louise's video from Jackfield on You Tube.
In my case it was old age and forgetfulness: Time to get on the water, oops no spraydeck ... quick back to the car ... oops no car, Kath's gone already!
Oh well, who needs a spraydeck anyway?
The combination of one of George's faithful old Blazer's and an equally old Lendal footpump was all that was needed to make up for the lack!
(Thanks to Grace for photos - See the rest on Burton Racing Photography group on Facebook )